That about sums up how I feel after hopefully putting last week's injury behind me. I went for a steady 6 mile run around my favourite Town Moor route today with no ill effects. What a relief to be running pain free again. I must admit I didn't expect to be running again so soon.
I know I've said it in the past but I'm going to have to be very careful when I'm running. 8 - 9 minute miles are out of the question for now. My final weeks of training will be at a very sensible 10 minute mile pace. There will be no more PBs for a while and a good stretch after my runs will become part and parcel of the routine. I have 3 full weeks of training left where I'll be winding things down a bit. I'll be doing lots of shorter runs and a few more sessions in the gym.
As I said last week, I'm ready for the big run. It's just a case of keeping myself ticking over between now and July 7th.
"Mark Allison will be better than he was before. Better, stronger, but quite sensibly, not faster."