Tuesday 29 August 2023

USA 2025 - Route planning finished

I've just finished session number five of the week and it’s only Tuesday. At 0645 this morning, a David Fairlamb Fitness Beach Bootcamp at Longsands saw a strong group put though our paces by Mark Fleming. Regular followers will know that Mark was an important member of the USA 2011 support team. 

Back to yesterday and I managed two double sessions. The first lot was back to back VersaClimber classes at 0630 at David Fairlamb Fitness. On a bank holiday too! At 1630, there were two back to back circuit classes with David. I’ve got to say that I hadn’t felt so strong coming out of that afternoon session for a very long time. It just goes to show what it possible with what is now two weeks of eating very healthy food. 

I’ve simply got to continue to eat in the way I have been, given how good I’m currently feeling. It feels like a fog has lifted. Oh, and there is the small matter that I’ve dropped 10 pounds of fat in that two weeks. That news from the weigh in yesterday with David was pleasantly surprising. I’m looking forward to the coming weeks and months as I build the workload up even further. As long as I continue to eat sensibly then I should be in great shape by the end of spring 2024. The summer of 2024 is a hugely important period in my preparation when I’ll start running the big miles. 

To say that I feel determined is a huge understatement. There’s nothing like plotting the USA route in detail (which I finished yesterday) to focus the mind! The feeling that I had at the end of the route planning was “there’s no way I can do that!”. I haven’t helped matters by watching a lot of YouTube coverage of people running through Death Valley. Death Valley, of course, is only 153 miles of the 3141 mile route from Coney Island, New York to Huntington Beach, California. It’s a tough section that could be an event in its own right. I'll speak more about the route in more detail in the coming weeks so please watch this space. 

There is a long way to go to convincing myself that running that considerable distance, over that unforgiving terrain in those harsh temperatures is actually possible. While running an average of 31.41 miles over 100 days is close to what I did in 2011, this route seems far more difficult however. 

I'm not surprised that with all of the route planning, I now possess a very healthy amount of fear and trepidation. Every action that I take over the next 611 days until the run starts on May 1st 2025 is going to contribute massively to the eventual outcome. What a journey it promises to be!

Tuesday 22 August 2023

USA 2025 - Detailed route planning going well

I established a 3100 mile high level route from Coney Island to Huntington Beach a few months ago. So far, I have chopped up the first 1860 miles into chunks spanning 59 days. That route to Walsenburg crosses 10 states, namely New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas and Colorado. There's 47,000ft of climbing to be done so far and I see Walsenburg as the final stop before I run across the San Juan mountains (part of the Rocky mountain range).

It's been a reasonably straightforward route so far. The only real difficulty has been plotting a route through the maze of roads west of St Louis in Missouri. It's not just a case of following the optimum route. I have to factor in whether the terrain is suitable for a motorhome. In many cases, that would not have been the case if I'd chosen the quickest route through this part of Missouri. Being in resonably close proximity to the support team in the motorhome is very important for our safety. Sections of the route where motorhome access isn't possible have been kept to a bare minimum. For example, I'll be spending a bit of time on parts of the Katy Trail in Missouri. This is a 240 mile route which will give me an opportunity to get away from the traffic. The longest unsupported section I'll be running there is 18 miles.

I think it will take this weekend to finish the remaining 1140 or so miles through the San Juan/Rocky mountains, Monument Valley, Death Valley then on to the finish line at Huntington Beach. In terms of states that's Colorado, Utah, Arizona, Nevada and California. That's 66,000ft of climbing over the remaining 31 days.

The route through Death Valley will be quite straightforward. However, the plan and schedule in place to support it will take quite a few months to establish. I'll almost be treating this section as an event in its own right. I'll be in peak physical condition when I enter the park. I must have a plan in place that also takes into account the safety of the support team.   

Watch this space next week for details of the final route across the USA.

Thursday 17 August 2023

Top of the league (for now)

It’s almost as pointless as the first league table of the season (which Newcastle are top of incidentally) but I’m very pleased with the 4.5 pounds of weight lost this week. 

I’ve been at David Fairlamb Fitness at 0600 every morning so far as well as evening sessions. I won’t lie. It’s been tough. I’ve been under instructions from Dave to lessen the usual intensity levels. That has seen me able to train at the upper end of my fat burning zone. I’ve also noticed that I’m making a lot less noise in the gym. It’s still very tough though. 

After an 0600 session with Mark Fleming yesterday morning, I had a Versaclimber UK class with Dave at 1730. The outdoor bootcamp with Craig that followed immediately was just a case of getting through as best I could. If it was a boxing match then the referee would have stopped the fight. I’m pleased that I have a morning off today. 

I’ll have a double session with Dave at 1730 tonight though. It’s a good job that I’ve always enjoyed my sessions in the gym as they are coming thick and fast at the moment. In my mind, that hard work will probably account for 20% of my success. The other 80% is all down to food. I’m getting really good advice from Dave on that with fish, lean meat, certain vegetables and salad items the order of the day. I’m only 4 days in to eating like this but I can already feel a huge difference. One I expected, as I’ve eaten like this before. It’s like a fog has lifted. I don’t feel bloated at all, feel far less lethargic and have more energy going in to sessions. 

I should give a special mention to my sponsor Active Edge who for the 12th year running are supplying the miracle juice that is Cherry Active. I dilute a 30ml sachet in water after every gym session. I shouldn’t be surprised by now but to have zero aches and pains after such a busy workload is quite incredible. I make no apology for sounding like an evangelical salesman (I’m not on commission by the way). It’s such an amazing product. Long time followers will recall that I first used it during the run across the USA in 2011. 

So there’s some positive thoughts for this Thursday morning. Like that early league table, you’re only as good as your next result so I’ll be giving my best efforts in the gym and also from a nutrition point of view. I’m not thinking about the target weight and body fat that I want by the end of next spring. My sights are set firmly on the next meal and the next gym session. If I keep this up then targets and goals will take care of themselves.

Sunday 13 August 2023

David Fairlamb Fitness

I’ve been fortunate enough to have had the support of David Fairlamb Fitness for the last 15 years. We’ve been through an awful lot together. I doubt I would have finished the run across the USA in 2011 on time if it wasn’t for his two stints on the support team (along with Mark and Steve aka The Big Guns). I’ll be working with Dave for the run across the USA in 2025. The first official session for this campaign is tomorrow at 0630 where we’ll take some stats (weight, body fat etc) before I get started. 

The high level plan is to reach the “fighting weight” and desired body composition before summer 2024. This will give me a full 12 months of being able to run the high back to back miles in training in preparation for the run starting in May 2025. 

For a normal man in the street, I’ve always considered my training to be of a really high standard. The frequency, intensity and load that I’ve managed around work, family life, football and planning the epic runs has served me well so far. 

For the run in 2025, with the support of Dave, I feel the training will take care of itself. Not without considerable discipline, effort and sacrifice mind. What won’t take care of itself, however, is the all important food aspect of my preparation. In all these years, I have never once got that right. The image below is one I’ve looked at a lot over the years. The left side is me at 18.5 stone and 33% body fat on day three of the run across the USA in 2011. That picture was taken in the Outpost Cafe where I’ll be visiting (with a lot of luck) on day 97 in 2025. The right side is me at 88kg and 5.8% body fat after the run finished. 

As well as the usual superb guidance in training, I’ll be working much closer with Dave on nutrition. That’s all well and good, but it’s down to me to do something that I’ve never managed before. To eat the right food, in the right quantities with a large serving of discipline. What can possibly go wrong! 

A huge thank you to Dave (and trainer Mark Fleming too) for the support that is so important in the build up to running 3100 miles from New York to Death Valley to Huntington Beach, California in 100 days.

Thursday 10 August 2023

New sponsor for USA 2025 - D-Line

There has been a terrific start to the USA 2025 fundraising campaign in aid of St. Benedict's Hospice. At the time of writing £3075.88 has been raised. In addition to that, as part of the Promise to Donate scheme, there is a further £3000 in the pipeline for the hospice. That's the scheme that will pay out when the run gets the go ahead. i.e. all commercial sponsors are found and the scheme itself gets 25 contributors. 

The combined £6075.88 figure represents 10% of the fundraising target that I've set which is a really encouraging start. Thank you to everyone who has donated so far. Of course, the JustGiving page is always open for donations to St. Benedict's Hospice here should you wish to add to the total.

On the subject of commercial sponsors, I was delighted that Chapman Ventilation became my main sponsor last month. Their support can be traced back to 2011 and has seen tens of thousands of pounds raised as a result. 

The search now continues for the additional commercial sponsors that are needed to make the run across the USA a reality in 2025. On that very subject, I'm happy to report that Tyneside based D-Line have stepped up to be a "gold sponsor". Their logo will sit proudly on my sleeve on the kit I'll be wearing across the USA. There'll also be additional visibility across this site and all social media channels. That will be at its peak during the run itself where there is all kinds of new content planned. 

D-Line is a successful family run business that shares the same passion, enthusiasm and vision as myself. D-Line are no stranger to Run Geordie Run. In fact, this will be the 4th campaign that D-Line have been involved in since 2015. 

D-Line's website explains that they are "...a UK company, based in Newcastle upon Tyne, with a global reputation for innovative cable management products for use 'when time, safety and appearance matter’. D-Line patented the world’s fastest cable trunking system, in subtle shapes to blend with modern decor.  

These iconic D-shaped ½-round & ¼-round profiles are now popular in 30+ countries. D-Line also invented the first fire-rated cable supports that could be fitted in non-metallic trunking, preventing the potentially fatal consequences of cable entanglement… now our Safe-D family of cable supports includes 35+ unique offers

D-Line developed Cable Tidy Units to contain socket extensions and cable clutter, and pioneered linkable floor cable protectors to address another common requirement. We are continually designing solutions that satisfy common cable issues in homes & workplaces… including our unique Cable Tidy Shelf range; offering a stylish stand for popular devices, with a discrete cavity for hiding charger cables. 

Our dedicated teams are delighted that the popularity of D-Line products, and our commitment to innovative solutions, have been recognised by separate Queen's Awards both Export achievements Enterprise and Innovation.". 

I've been lucky enough to visit the D-Line premises a few times over recent years. I'm hugely looking forward to talking to the staff again both before and after the run. A huge thank you again to D-Line for their tremendously kind support.

If you're interested in becoming a sponsor or can offer support then please click on the image below to view the sponsorship prospectus. There are packages to suit different budgets.

If you have any question regarding sponsorship then please get in touch at sponsorship@rungeordierun.com.

Thursday 27 July 2023

Progress in the USA

Despite being on vacation for a few weeks watching Newcastle play in the USA, that hasn’t stopped the planning for the 3100 mile run across the USA in 2025. 

The main point of progress has been the early stages of recruiting a support team. I’m pleased to report that there are some excellent candidates showing an interest already. There’ll be a proper form on www.rungeordierun.com in August for those people who wish to apply to join the USA 2025 Support Team. 

I’ve now got the first 50 days of the run planned in detail. That route takes me through New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, Missouri and half of Kansas. The rest of Kansas, Colorado, Utah, Arizona, Nevada and California will be completed in August. It’s a painstaking task but an enjoyable one all the same. 

I’ve began the search for a reasonably priced motorhome. Prices for 2025 are not yet available but I’m getting a good idea of what is available and at what price for 2024. Failing to secure such accommodation for myself and the support team will prevent the run going ahead. 

Still to do when I return to the UK, is to step up the search for additional commercial sponsors as well as people to contribute to the “Promise Fund” in aid of St. Benedict's Hospice. That support is also a must if the run is to go ahead. I’m hugely grateful to Chapman Ventilation who have already filled the role of main sponsor. 

There’s also the small matter of getting fit for the run. That’s is something that I’m rlooking forward to immensely. The volume, intensity, type and frequency of training will have to be similar to what I achieved in 2008-2010 before the last USA run. I’ll try not to break my ankle 11 months before the event this time!  

That’s some brief thoughts for now. I’m writing this at 37,000 ft on a flight from Atlanta to New Jersey. Don’t forget, if you’d like to find out more about the run or even support it through commercial sponsorship or the “Promise Fund” then the prospectus can be viewed here.

Sunday 16 July 2023

USA 2025 - A brilliant response

There has been a brilliant response to the announcement of the run across the USA to be undertaken in 2025. 

Given previous campaigns, it’s incredible to think that I already have a very kind main sponsor in place. That represents 50% of the total commercial backing needed for the run to take place. Once again, I’m incredibly grateful for the kind folk at Chapman Ventilation for their support which is now in its 12 year!

I’ll step up the search for the remaining commercial sponsors over the coming weeks and months. If you’d like to know further details then please read the sponsorship prospectus here:

Without adequate commercial backing, then the run across the USA won’t be possible. 

Details on how to contribute to the “Promise Fund” are also in the prospectus. This has been setup to attract a significant sum in aid of St. Benedict's Hospice. I’m looking for 25 businesses, workplaces or individuals to promise to donate £1000 to the hospice prior to the event going ahead. I’m very pleased to report that there are three such people who have come forward so far. Firstly, thank you to David Gateshill who took the first slot and the first individual to step forward. Secondly, thank you to Doors and Floors Direct based in North Tyne Industrial Estate who are the first business to sign up. Last but by no means least, thank you to Lesley Lynch who is heading up the first workplace to contribute to the Promise Fund. Let the bake sales, tombolas and sweepstakes commence. Without a full Promise Fund, then the run across the USA won’t be possible. 

With their promised £3000 and the £3075.88 already raised for St. Benedict’s Hospice this year, it’s safe to say that the USA 2025 fundraising campaign has got off to a terrific start. 

Again, if you’d like to help with fundraising / commercial sponsorship then please have a good look at the sponsorship prospectus and get in touch with a message or via sponsorship@rungeordierun.com. 

One aspect that I’m not progressing too much myself just yet, is finding a good quality set of people for the support team. However, I’ve been contacted by some fantastic people for this role already. That is really encouraging at this stage with 648 days to go before the start at Coney Island. Without a good support team, then the run across the USA won’t be possible. That's Stobbsy and Carlton below who were part of the Australia and Europe team. Carlton was also on the team in the USA in 2011.

One other thing to talk about is the route across the USA. I’m currently 30 days into the detailed route planning. The high level route has been settled for a few months now but each one of the 100 days need to be planned out in great detail. I’ll talk more about this in August as the detailed route planning comes to an end. Without a robust route plan and strategy, then the run across the USA won’t be possible. 

Finally, I’m currently trying to find the best and most cost effective option for mobile accommodation. The ideal scenario is that some kind individual in the USA comes forward with an offer to loan us an RV. Second to that, an affordable option would be most welcome. Without a viable and affordable option for a motorhome, then the run across the USA won’t be possible. The RV below is the one we had in the USA in 2011.

As you can see, there is a lot to think about and a lot of support required to make the run across the USA a success. I haven’t even mentioned training yet either. That begins in August where, if I don’t reach an unprecedented level of effort and discipline, then running 3100 miles across the USA via Death Valley in 100 days won’t be possible. 

What a task! But as my Dad used to say, you have got to work hard for anything that is worth having. That really will set the tone for the journey that lies ahead.

Thursday 13 July 2023

Run Geordie Run Across the USA 2025

My Dad Terry (pictured below) used to say that you should always have a plan B just in case plan A doesn't work out. That has generally been the case on any major run I've ever done with deviations to routes here and tweaks to plans there. That is certainly true right now. He was a very wise man was my Dad and his various proverbs, stories (not all true but valued nevertheless) and general philosophy on life are with me every day in many things that I do. It's fair to say, that despite his sad passing in 1988, he remains a huge influence on me and I believe Run Geordie Run and all it stands for is rooted in that. Anyway, more on that another time.

Continuing the run around the world in light of the pandemic and then subsequently the war in Ukraine means that my plan A of running the next stage from Kiev to Astana via Russia is just not possible right now. I've not given up on doing that when it's safe to do so however!

I've had my current plan B in my mind for just over a year now. It's such a tough challenge that it's going to take the best part of 22 months to plan, prepare and fundraise for it. 

I'm very happy to reveal to you exactly what my plans are. At the time of this blog post going live, I will have just finished talking about it live on BBC Radio Newcastle's breakfast show. Below is an extract from the press release that was sent out today that explains it all.

‘Run Geordie Run’ is the nickname given to Mark Allison, a volunteer fundraiser from Bedlington in the North East of England. He has a huge heart for raising money for good causes and a good pair of running shoes! 

So far, he has ran 10,000 miles in various places around the world. This includes running 874 miles from John O’Groats to Lands End, 3100 miles across the USA, 2384 miles across Australia and 3661 miles across Europe. 

Thanks to some amazing generosity, £350,000 has been raised so far for St. Benedict's Hospice, The Children's Foundation, The Sir Bobby Robson Foundation and Useful Vision. 

Next up is “ACROSS THE USA 2025” which is a 3100 mile Atlantic to Pacific, trans continental run across the United States of America from Coney Island, New York to Huntington Beach, California to be ran during the summer of 2025. 

In theory it’s a simple plan - Run from the east coast to the west coast of the USA in 100 days. This will require Mark to run an average of 31 miles every day giving a total of 3100 miles (4988 km). The route runs from east to west across the USA through 14 states. The start line will be at the Pat Auletta Steeplechase Pier at Coney Island, New York with a finish line at the pier in Huntington Beach, California.  

In between, will be miles of relentless climbing over the Appalachian, Rocky, San Juan and Sierra Nevada mountain ranges, the seemingly never ending highways of the Great Plains as well as the solitude of Monument Valley. If that wasn’t difficult enough, the 130 mile stretch through Death Valley adds an even greater challenge both physically and logistically. 

Mark has already secured a main sponsor for the run across the USA 2025. Chapman Ventilation, a long term supporter of Mark’s events, will be contributing towards the cost of the tour. They said “Chapman Ventilation are delighted to continue supporting Mark for the 12th year now. Mark has raised a phenomenal amount of money for charities close to his heart and we are very excited to see him take on his next challenge, running across America. We all wish Mark the best of luck with his training and will be following his progress very closely.” 

Mark will seek additional commercial sponsors over the coming months. Mark is also seeking the support of 25 individuals, companies or workplaces who will “promise to donate” £1000 to St. Benedict's Hospice. This will be known collectively as the “Promise Fund”. The Promise Fund will only become payable to St. Benedict's Hospice when all commercial sponsors have been found. The Promise Fund has been created to raise a considerable sum for St. Benedict's Hospice prior to the event. 

Award winning personal trainer, David Fairlamb, will be helping Mark prepare physically for the challenge. David said “The knowledge and experience gained from Mark’s previous epic runs will be crucial to the success of USA 2025. I’m really proud to play a part in his preparation.”.

So there we go! Now that the secret is out, there'll be plenty more info to come in the coming days. That includes:
  • How to apply to join the USA 2025 support team
  • A detailed look at the route across the USA
  • What it will take just to get to the start line
  • Thoughts on training and preparation
If you can't wait until then and you're interested in becoming a sponsor or can offer support then please click on the image below to view the sponsorship prospectus.

If you have any question regarding sponsorship or the Promise Fund then please get in touch at sponsorship@rungeordierun.com.

In the meantime, you can watch more coverage on USA 2025 on local news bulletins on BBC One with a main feature on Look North at 1830 (BST).

Friday 23 June 2023

Announcement for 2025

Details of the next massive run in 2025 will be announced on July 13th 2025. That is a very significant date and is the 30th anniversary of my fundraising for St. Benedict's Hospice. The new sponsorship prospectus will also be available for all to read on that date.

I'm currently working behind the scenes on numerous aspects of the run. one of which, is the fundraising of course. It's amazing to report that there is already £6000 in the pipeline for St. Benedict's Hospice. That's with telling very few people about the run! 

I'm very hopeful of being able to announce a headline sponsor for the run prior to July 13th. There is lots of good news such as this to come as I attempt to make the run ac******** (whoops! I almost typed it again) a reality. 

I'm not underestimating the amount of support required just to get to the start line. Once that happens, leave the rest to me and enjoy the journey.

Tuesday 20 June 2023

The first important step

I'm very pleased to report that I received the following message from St. Benedict's Hospice today.

Thank you for sending your sponsorship prospectus. I have the brilliant news that the Charity Board have approved all of it. They are extremely impressed with all that you have put together and grateful for all that you are planning. 

We hugely appreciate your continued, outstanding support of St Benedict's Hospice!

A huge thank you, first and foremost, goes to the charity board at St. Benedict's Hospice for allowing me to continue my ambitious fundraising dreams. This is such an important first step in ensuring that the next massive run in 2025 is a success. 

Attention now turns to the time and place where the announcement can be formally made. Following that, the sponsorship prospectus will be available for anyone that would like to read it and hopefully be able to support the 3100 mile run in 2025. Another thank you goes to the kind folk who have already pledged their kind support. It's astonishing that there is already a few thousand pounds in the pipeline for St. Benedict's Hospice. There'll be more on that in a few weeks time. 

I have been fundraising for St. Benedict's Hospice for 30 years now, and what began as a means of repaying a debt of gratitude has brought additional advantages over time. The most significant among them is, without a doubt, how it has helped me manage deep grief after the loss of my parents.

I'll close with the photograph below which was taken at a cheque presentation to Anne Oliver at St. Benedict's Hospice back in 1997. I'd roped a few work colleagues in to doing a 120 mile bike ride and we raised £500. 

Even then, I knew that I would need the kind support of others if I was to succeed on a fundraising journey for the Hospice. That sentiment is never more true with what I have planned for 2025. Watch this space in the coming weeks to find out how you can play an important part in it all. Your support will be the difference between success and failure.

Monday 19 June 2023

Good habits forming

With the next major run less than two years away, there is currently a mindset and attitude that starkly contrasts with previous years. This isn’t a criticism of my effort since the last big run ended in 2018; rather, I want to emphasize that I am approaching the 3100 mile run in 2025 with utmost seriousness (and a healthy amount of fear and trepidation). 

Given my current fitness levels there’s little quality shown in the gym but, rest assured, there is no shortage of effort (as the heart rate graph shows). 

My focus recently has been on forming good habits. That improved mindset and attitude I mentioned is certainly helping with that. I’ve got in the gym far more in the last month than I’ve managed for quite a while. It doesn’t feel like a chore now and it’s not something I put off. Having the discipline to maintain that won’t be easy but I’ve gained some good momentum recently which will help. This is a stage I’m very familiar with but if there’s anything that’s going to drive me on, it’s the thought of another trans continental epic adventure. 
In terms of 2025, I am waiting on a “sign off” decision from St. Benedict’s Hospice of my sponsorship prospectus before I can announce my plans. This isn’t something that the hospice have asked to do but ever since my run across the USA in 2011, I’ve always thought it was the right thing to do. That document summarises the event and details exactly the level of support that will be required for it to go ahead. Having spoken to the hospice last week, I expect to announce the 2025 run later this month or early July at the latest. Watch this space.

Sunday 11 June 2023

Thank you

The overall charity fund is inching towards the £350,000 mark. 
I’ve adjusted the auction total slightly (minus £270) as one bidder changed their mind and won’t be paying for their winning item. It must be stated, however, that £3058 is a tremendous sum in aid of St. Benedict's Hospice. Thank you again for all of the winning bidders and those who bought a raffle ticket. 

I’ve taken tomorrow off work to go to the post office and post all of the auction items. There’s a few to hand deliver locally too. 

I’ve had a few people ask if the auction and raffle was to pay for the cost of the 2025 run. My reply is a simple one. Public money raised through such events and any donations ALWAYS goes directly to St. Benedict’s Hospice (and the other charities beforehand). Tour expenses for the runs up to and including 2007 and 2011 came out of my own pocket (approximately £17,000). It was a good investment with over £157,000 raised for charity. 

After the run across the USA, in 2011, I sought commercial backing to pay for tour expenses. The run across Australia was the first commercially backed run costing £16,000 approximately. That saw a £55,000 return for charity. 

The run across (whoops! I nearly typed it!!) in 2025 will require commercial backing to go ahead. I’ll also be seeking a significant sum for St. Benedict’s Hospice too. All of that is in a detailed Sponsorship Prospectus that is currently awaiting sign off from the hospice. 

Once I get the prospectus signed off I’ll be able to share details of the ambitious plans that I have for 2025. I believe it’s arguably the most difficult run I’ll ever do. I have set a £60,000 target for St. Benedict’s Hospice as a result. This £3058 will go some way towards that. 

So while the event hasn’t been signed off yet, I must press on with the fundraising, planning and training. 
The planning so far has consisted of plotting a high level 3100 mile route (the same amount of miles as the run across the USA in 2011). I’ve also planned the first 15 days in detail. 

I’ll be tracking my training from next week and will be sharing that with you (hopefully in the form of a YouTube episode). I have a lot of fitness to gain and a lot of weight to lose. This sounds very familiar! 

Thanks again to those kind folk who have contributed to the £3058 raised so far. This current campaign has 2 and a half years to go. As ever, I’ll be giving everything to raise funds as well as run some very tough miles over considerable distances. Stay tuned.

Friday 2 June 2023

Charity Auction and Raffle 2023


I'm pleased to announce that the raffle and auction in aid of St. Benedict's Hospice (Charity No. 1019410) raised at amazing £3155


The raffle was for a shirt signed by Eddie Howe with tickets costing £5 each. The draw was be made at 8pm on Thursday 8th June 2023 and the winning ticket number was 11 bought by David Crosby.

I got this shirt signed myself by Eddie when I met him during the training camp in Riyadh last December. The second photo was taken just after Eddie signed the shirt as I was confessing my undying love for him!

Thank you to everyone who bought a ticket. A magnificent £855 has been raised for St. Benedict's Hospice which can be viewed here.


The auction raised an incredible £2300! Thank you to everyone who bid.

LOT 4 - Kevin Keegan's worn tracksuit - SOLD
Start 02/06/2023 7pm
End 08/06/2023 7pm
Highest Bid £420 (K** S****)

LOT 9 - 2011/12 Shola Ameobi Signed Unwashed (dirt on shoulder) Match Worn Shirt - SOLD
Start 04/06/2023 7pm
End 08/06/2023 7pm
Highest Bid £250 (K** F******)

LOT 10 - Allan Saint-Maximin Custom Made Figure - UNSOLD
Start 04/06/2023 7pm
End 08/06/2023 7pm
Highest Bid £30 (M*** A******) - Reserve not met

LOT 11 - 2016/17 Dwight Gayle Signed Match Issued Poppy Shirt v Cardiff - UNSOLD
Start 04/06/2023 7pm
End 08/06/2023 7pm
Highest Bid £275 (I** O*****) - Reserve not met

LOT 12 - 2010/11 Squad Signed Replica Shirt - SOLD
Start 05/06/2023 7pm
End 08/06/2023 7pm
Highest Bid £320 (J**** L**)

LOT 13 - Framed 1947 Squad Page - SOLD
Start 05/06/2023 7pm
End 08/06/2023 7pm
Highest Bid £95 (I** Y****)

LOT 14 - Sven Botman signed large (A3 size) FIFA Ultimate Team card - SOLD
Start 06/06/2023 4pm
End 08/06/2023 7pm
Highest Bid £100 (A***** G******)

LOT 1 - Newcastle United 2009/10 squad signed replica shirt - SOLD

Start 02/06/2023 7pm
End 05/06/2023 7pm
Final Bid £200 (J***** W***)

LOT 2 - Eddie Howe signed large (A3 size) FIFA Ultimate Team card - SOLD
Start 02/06/2023 7pm
End 06/06/2023 7pm
Final Bid £500 (D**** C******)

LOT 3 - Glenn Roeder's worn sweatshirt - SOLD
Start 02/06/2023 7pm
End 06/06/2023 7pm
Final Bid £110 (G**** H****)

LOT 5 - 2011/12 - Sammy Ameobi Match Issued Shirt signed by the squad - SOLD
Start 03/06/2023 7pm
End 07/06/2023 7pm
Highest Bid £150 (J**** W***)

LOT 6 - England World Cup Celebration Framed Photo Signed by Jack Charlton - SOLD
Start 03/06/2023 7pm
End 06/06/2023 7pm
Final Bid £85 (A*** E*********)

LOT 7 - Deandre Yedlin Match Worn Shirt Framed With Signed Photo - UNSOLD
Start 03/06/2023 7pm
End 06/06/2023 7pm
Final Bid £180 (T****** A******) - Reserve not met.

LOT 8 - Shay Given Signed Framed Photo - SOLD
Start 03/06/2023 7pm
End 06/06/2023 7pm
Final Bid £50 (M*** R***)

Payment for winning bids can be made by cheque payable to 'St. Benedict's Hospice' or justgiving.com.

Each lot has an undisclosed reserve amount which, if not met, will see the transaction cancelled and the lot retained for future fundraising events.  

Once payment is made to St. Benedict's Hospice there is no method of refund. Please be absolutely certain you wish to purchase a lot before bidding/paying.

Postage outside of the UK must be paid by the winner of each lot.

Items will be posted no later than 12th June 2023.

Wednesday 31 May 2023

Run Geordie Run Charity Auction and Raffle 2023

Starting at 7pm on Friday 2nd June 2023 you'll have a chance to bid on several items of Newcastle United and other football related memorabilia. Items will be added over the course of the following days and run for 4 to 5 days. The final item will close at 7pm on Thursday 8th June 2023. Bids should be emailed to sponsorship@rungeordierun.com

In addition to the auction there will be a raffle for a shirt signed by Eddie Howe with tickets costing £5 each. A Just Giving link will go live at 7pm on 2nd June 2023 for the payment of raffle tickets. The draw will be made at 8pm on Thursday 8th June 2023.

ALL PROCEEDS are in aid of St Benedict's Hospice (Charity No 1019410).

Tuesday 23 May 2023

Run Geordie Run TV

Taking people on the journey has always been part of my major events in the past. The run across ******** in 2025 will be no exception. 

The Run Geordie Run website and social media feeds have always served my events well and that will continue to be the case. The next run will see greater use of YouTube. This will not only be during the run itself but in the 2 year build up that remains. 

Just like the physical preparation for the run, producing quality content on YouTube will take a lot of practice. My hope is that by the time of the next big run during summer 2025 that I will have acquired the right level of skills to be able to produce some really great content. 

The location of the run in 2025 lends itself to awe inspiring cinematography. Adding in a huge dose of insightful commentary and genuine enthusiasm should see the run really come to life for viewers the world over. 

Whether you’re at home watching on a big screen or on a mobile or tablet the daily update from ***** will hopefully become essential viewing. Running 30+ miles every day for 100 day will only leave a small window of editing/uploading time each day. The challenge is not only to produce high quality engaging content but to do it very quickly. There’ll also be the usual daily blog on www.rungeordierun.com too to write. It promises to be a hectic 100 days. 

Over the coming weeks, there’ll be a small amount of Run Geordie Run content on YouTube. If all goes to plan then this will grow in frequency and quality of the coming months. Up and coming content will cover the build up to the 3000+ mile run including my search to find sponsors, training, diet, route plans, search for a support team and many other aspects. It’ll be a bit rough round the edges at first but come the run across ******* in 2025 it should be a slicker operation. 

If you’d like to subscribe to my channel then it can be found here.

PS. You'll see the use of ***** until the announcement of the next run during the last week of June.