Tuesday 29 August 2023
USA 2025 - Route planning finished
Tuesday 22 August 2023
USA 2025 - Detailed route planning going well
I established a 3100 mile high level route from Coney Island to Huntington Beach a few months ago. So far, I have chopped up the first 1860 miles into chunks spanning 59 days. That route to Walsenburg crosses 10 states, namely New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas and Colorado. There's 47,000ft of climbing to be done so far and I see Walsenburg as the final stop before I run across the San Juan mountains (part of the Rocky mountain range).
It's been a reasonably straightforward route so far. The only real difficulty has been plotting a route through the maze of roads west of St Louis in Missouri. It's not just a case of following the optimum route. I have to factor in whether the terrain is suitable for a motorhome. In many cases, that would not have been the case if I'd chosen the quickest route through this part of Missouri. Being in resonably close proximity to the support team in the motorhome is very important for our safety. Sections of the route where motorhome access isn't possible have been kept to a bare minimum. For example, I'll be spending a bit of time on parts of the Katy Trail in Missouri. This is a 240 mile route which will give me an opportunity to get away from the traffic. The longest unsupported section I'll be running there is 18 miles.
I think it will take this weekend to finish the remaining 1140 or so miles through the San Juan/Rocky mountains, Monument Valley, Death Valley then on to the finish line at Huntington Beach. In terms of states that's Colorado, Utah, Arizona, Nevada and California. That's 66,000ft of climbing over the remaining 31 days.
The route through Death Valley will be quite straightforward. However, the plan and schedule in place to support it will take quite a few months to establish. I'll almost be treating this section as an event in its own right. I'll be in peak physical condition when I enter the park. I must have a plan in place that also takes into account the safety of the support team.
Watch this space next week for details of the final route across the USA.
Thursday 17 August 2023
Top of the league (for now)
Sunday 13 August 2023
David Fairlamb Fitness
Thursday 10 August 2023
New sponsor for USA 2025 - D-Line
Thursday 27 July 2023
Progress in the USA
Sunday 16 July 2023
USA 2025 - A brilliant response
There has been a brilliant response to the announcement of the run across the USA to be undertaken in 2025.
Given previous campaigns, it’s incredible to think that I already have a very kind main sponsor in place. That represents 50% of the total commercial backing needed for the run to take place. Once again, I’m incredibly grateful for the kind folk at Chapman Ventilation for their support which is now in its 12 year!
I’ll step up the search for the remaining commercial sponsors over the coming weeks and months. If you’d like to know further details then please read the sponsorship prospectus here:
Without adequate commercial backing, then the run across the USA won’t be possible.
Details on how to contribute to the “Promise Fund” are also in the prospectus. This has been setup to attract a significant sum in aid of St. Benedict's Hospice. I’m looking for 25 businesses, workplaces or individuals to promise to donate £1000 to the hospice prior to the event going ahead. I’m very pleased to report that there are three such people who have come forward so far. Firstly, thank you to David Gateshill who took the first slot and the first individual to step forward. Secondly, thank you to Doors and Floors Direct based in North Tyne Industrial Estate who are the first business to sign up. Last but by no means least, thank you to Lesley Lynch who is heading up the first workplace to contribute to the Promise Fund. Let the bake sales, tombolas and sweepstakes commence. Without a full Promise Fund, then the run across the USA won’t be possible.
With their promised £3000 and the £3075.88 already raised for St. Benedict’s Hospice this year, it’s safe to say that the USA 2025 fundraising campaign has got off to a terrific start.
Again, if you’d like to help with fundraising / commercial sponsorship then please have a good look at the sponsorship prospectus and get in touch with a message or via sponsorship@rungeordierun.com.
One aspect that I’m not progressing too much myself just yet, is finding a good quality set of people for the support team. However, I’ve been contacted by some fantastic people for this role already. That is really encouraging at this stage with 648 days to go before the start at Coney Island. Without a good support team, then the run across the USA won’t be possible. That's Stobbsy and Carlton below who were part of the Australia and Europe team. Carlton was also on the team in the USA in 2011.
One other thing to talk about is the route across the USA. I’m currently 30 days into the detailed route planning. The high level route has been settled for a few months now but each one of the 100 days need to be planned out in great detail. I’ll talk more about this in August as the detailed route planning comes to an end. Without a robust route plan and strategy, then the run across the USA won’t be possible.
Finally, I’m currently trying to find the best and most cost effective option for mobile accommodation. The ideal scenario is that some kind individual in the USA comes forward with an offer to loan us an RV. Second to that, an affordable option would be most welcome. Without a viable and affordable option for a motorhome, then the run across the USA won’t be possible. The RV below is the one we had in the USA in 2011.
As you can see, there is a lot to think about and a lot of support required to make the run across the USA a success. I haven’t even mentioned training yet either. That begins in August where, if I don’t reach an unprecedented level of effort and discipline, then running 3100 miles across the USA via Death Valley in 100 days won’t be possible.
What a task! But as my Dad used to say, you have got to work hard for anything that is worth having. That really will set the tone for the journey that lies ahead.
Thursday 13 July 2023
Run Geordie Run Across the USA 2025
My Dad Terry (pictured below) used to say that you should always have a plan B just in case plan A doesn't work out. That has generally been the case on any major run I've ever done with deviations to routes here and tweaks to plans there. That is certainly true right now. He was a very wise man was my Dad and his various proverbs, stories (not all true but valued nevertheless) and general philosophy on life are with me every day in many things that I do. It's fair to say, that despite his sad passing in 1988, he remains a huge influence on me and I believe Run Geordie Run and all it stands for is rooted in that. Anyway, more on that another time.
Continuing the run around the world in light of the pandemic and then subsequently the war in Ukraine means that my plan A of running the next stage from Kiev to Astana via Russia is just not possible right now. I've not given up on doing that when it's safe to do so however!
I've had my current plan B in my mind for just over a year now. It's such a tough challenge that it's going to take the best part of 22 months to plan, prepare and fundraise for it.
I'm very happy to reveal to you exactly what my plans are. At the time of this blog post going live, I will have just finished talking about it live on BBC Radio Newcastle's breakfast show. Below is an extract from the press release that was sent out today that explains it all.
- How to apply to join the USA 2025 support team
- A detailed look at the route across the USA
- What it will take just to get to the start line
- Thoughts on training and preparation
Friday 23 June 2023
Announcement for 2025
Details of the next massive run in 2025 will be announced on July 13th 2025. That is a very significant date and is the 30th anniversary of my fundraising for St. Benedict's Hospice. The new sponsorship prospectus will also be available for all to read on that date.
Tuesday 20 June 2023
The first important step
I'm very pleased to report that I received the following message from St. Benedict's Hospice today.
Even then, I knew that I would need the kind support of others if I was to succeed on a fundraising journey for the Hospice. That sentiment is never more true with what I have planned for 2025. Watch this space in the coming weeks to find out how you can play an important part in it all. Your support will be the difference between success and failure.