While I'm on the subject of the Summer, it's a good time to mention David Fairlamb's (pictured) Beach Bootcamp which I've attended for 20 consecutive Saturdays now. This session has been an important part of my USA 2011 training and aside from the obvious fitness benefits gives a
great start to a weekend.

The 45 minute session starts opposite the Grand Hotel in Tynemouth at 09:00 on a Saturday morning. If you can't make that one then there are 2 other morning sessions on offer. The 45 minute Wakeup Workout starts at 06:45 on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. David's website goes on to explain - "If you are looking to lose weight, tone up, improve your aerobic fitness, strength, stamina, endurance....plus look and feel better then this is perfect for you!!".
For more information why not check out davidfairlambfitness.co.uk or read about my first experience of Bootcamp by clicking here.
The now legendary "Steps" session in King Edwards Bay is not actually part of the 45 minute session. It's an optional extra done by a few people at the end of the workout. Many have tried it, few have returned to try it again!