Sunday 7 July 2024

USA 2025 - Further Kit Sponsors Added

Since making my kit sponsorship offering more dynamic, I’m pleased to tell you that progress has been made in the search for the remaining commercial funding. There is still a way to go but it’s been a brilliant week. I’m happy to announce that Vigon International (an Azelis company) will be on the front and back of my kit for the first 10 days of the run across the USA next year. They are “a leading manufacturer and distributor of ingredients for the flavours and fragrances market in North America”. Incidentally, their office is only 32 miles away from where I’ll be starting my run on day 4 next year in Pennsylvania. Vigon are the first US company to ever sponsor one of my running shirts.

To have the Run Geordie Run brand reach “across the pond” makes me very proud indeed. I’m looking forward to getting the run across the USA underway at Coney Island with their logo on my kit. A huge thank you to Vigon for supporting the run across the USA. 

The excellent kit sponsorship news continued this week when I had a really good conversation with Ian Watson OBE, chairman of Hadrian Healthcare Group. His multi award winning company has residential care homes in Gosforth, Whickham with involvement in others outside of the region. The homes are rated as outstanding by the Care Quality Commission with equally prestigious ratings by other bodies including the local authority of course. Hadrian Healthcare Group will be seen on my kit for the final 15 days of the run from Las Vegas, through Death Valley and all the way to the finish line at Huntington Beach. 

Once again, it makes me feel very proud to have the logo of such a brilliant company on my kit. A huge thank you to Ian and Hadrian Healthcare Group for very kind support. 

Beyond Mount Everest - DONE

Last weekend saw me tackle Beyond Mount Everest in aid of St. Benedict's Hospice. The concept of the event was a straightforward one. To climb 40,000ft on a VersaClimber at David Fairlamb Fitness’ VersaHub and hopefully raise at least £400 for the hospice. It was all to help celebrate St. Benedict's Hospice 40th birthday.

Despite being in unknown territory, I predicted that it would take between 10 and 13 hours to complete the climb. Proceedings got underway at 0840 on Saturday morning. I was really pleased to see the money coming in to the hospice via and that served to give me an early boost. 

The first 10,000ft took 2 hours and 20 minutes to complete. At this point, I was well ahead of the anticipated 10 to 13 hour completion time. So far so good. Things got very tough soon enough though. The climb up to 20,000ft was incredibly draining from a mental point of view. While I managed to maintain the same pace, the depth of my steps reduced considerably. This meant that second set of 10,000ft took over an hour longer to climb (3 hours 25 minutes) than the first 10,000ft. That was quite a drop off in performance but I was aware that I’d set the bar high very early on. 

 I was so relieved to eventually reach the half way point. Just like the many 30+ or 40+ mile runs I’ve ever done, when I get over the 20 mile point, I was aware that things tend to get easier. 

The next section to 30,000ft was even slower still and took 4 hours to complete. It would have been even longer but I made sure that my pace didn’t get any slower and depth of step get any shallower. Reaching the height of the Mount Everest summit gave me a boost as did the continuing donations coming in to St. Benedict's Hospice. It all seemed very slow going though despite all of the effort. 

With 10,000ft left to climb I decided to take drastic action. That’s right, disco classics reverberated throughout the VersaHub (it has a world class speaker system by the way). I’m not saying that the volume of the music was loud but it’s a good job it was late on Saturday on Tyne Tunnel Trading Estate. Once again, just like my big runs, I was able to focus on pace in those later stages and take a few risks. The tempo of the disco music was perfect and I was almost back to the pace and depth of those early stages. I had a bit of a wobble at 36,000ft when YMCA played. In hindsight, it’s not a good idea to try and do the actions while climbing on a VersaClimber. I almost fell off! 

I’m pleased to report that I reached the finish line at 40,000ft after a further 3 hours of climbing and 12 hours 45 minutes in total. That last set of 10,000ft was the second quickest of the four. Again, that late surge was not unlike many days that I’ve spent running in the USA, Australia and Europe. 

To end the day on a great note, the fundraising target of £400 was smashed and finished on £480. So all in all, it was a very good days work with over 10,000 calories burned and 73,664 steps taken (the equivalent of 33.1 miles). 

The confidence that I got from the climb was most unexpected. “There’s definitely life in the old dog yet” I thought. I had a debrief with David Fairlamb the following day and we talked about the lessons learned and the many parallels to my big runs. Speaking of which, A huge thank you goes to David for allowing me to use the VersaHub at his gym. It’s the only place where I could have got through the event. The lighting and, moreover, the sound system is out of this world. It’s a very special place to train. 

The final donation page can be viewed here. Happy 40th Birthday St. Benedict's Hospice.

Thursday 30 May 2024

USA 2025 Kit Sponsorship Available

The 3150 mile coast to coast run across the USA from Coney Island, New York to Huntington Beach, California is just 11 months from getting underway. It will take an unprecedented level of effort (and good luck) to get across the continent in just 100 days. 

With a fundraising target of at least £60,000 for St. Benedict's Hospice (Charity No. 1019410) an event of this magnitude requires a huge amount of kind support.

The long term partnership with Chapman Ventilation saw them confirmed as main kit sponsors last year. I'm also very grateful to cable management firm D-Line for their backing as sleeve sponsor.

There are still prime spots up for grabs on my USA 2025 running kit. 

What parts of USA 2025 running kit are available for sponsorship? 

There are two spaces available for sponsor's logos on the front of my shirt and a one on the back. 

To accommodate different budgets, kit sponsorship is available in blocks of 10 days. The run across the USA will take 100 days to complete, therefore there are 10 blocks available in total. It is entirely possible for any individual company to take as many blocks as required. If a company wanted their logo on the back of my running kit for 20 days, for example, that would cost £2000. 

Can you tell me more about where the Run Geordie Run shirt and sponsors logos will be seen?

Run Geordie Run has a presence on Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), Instagram, Threads, TikTok and YouTube. The real jewel in the crown, is arguably this award winning blog at All channels will be used to very good effect, providing the audience with many accessible ways to follow the run across the USA on a daily basis.

Cutting edge technology such as an autonomous drone and 360 degree camera will be used to capture and produce daily content while running across the USA. The event will see a far greater use of the Run Geordie Run YouTube channel than ever before.  The daily update on Youtube is expected to bring the run to life and aims to become “essential viewing” for the 100 days and 3150 miles that the run spans. There will be a shorter "bite size" daily update across the other channels.

The media's insatiable appetite for extraordinary achievements has always helped to bring Run Geordie Run to the attention of a worldwide audience. This next transcontinental effort provides an exciting opportunity to raise the profile even further through online channels as well as mainstream TV and radio home and abroad.

Where else will sponsors be able to integrate their brand?
In addition to the social media channels mentioned previously, sponsors will have their logo included in the thousands of tri-fold leaflets that will be handed out before, during and after the USA run. These have always served as an important part of the fundraising toolkit. 

Sponsors logos will be included in the weekly "insider" email that gets sent to sponsors, support team and key supporters. There will also be numerous opportunities to incorporate sponsor's logos in engaging content right across the Run Geordie Run social media "estate".  

What is the next step to becoming a Run Geordie Run USA 2025 kit sponsor? 

Running 3150 miles across the USA in just 100 days will be a relentlessly demanding endeavour. Endless stretches of open road, varying terrains, unpredictable weather conditions, and the sheer magnitude of the distance will all conspire to test the limits of physical and mental endurance. 

While this may seem like a solo journey, it will require the kind support of so many to succeed. It’s really just as important as a pair of running shoes in ensuring running 3150 miles across the USA is a success.

If you are interested in becoming a Run Geordie Run kit sponsor then please get in touch via email at in the first instance.

USA 2025 - Final support team vacancies available?

The 3150 mile/100 day run across the USA between May 1st and August 8th 2025 requires a support team of volunteers to help make it a success. Duties range from driving a motorhome, cooking, cleaning, shopping for supplies and ensuring that the runner gets his daily miles run! 

The recruitment campaign has been a huge success so far. Thank you to everyone who has applied over the last 11 months and to those who made it through on to the team. The interest shown has been brilliant. There is at least one person on the team for the entire 100 days.

There now remains just a few gaps in the support team rota:
  • 14th May 2025 to 27th June 2025 - Wheeling, West Virginia to Walsenburg, Colorado.
  • 25th July 2025 to 1st August 2025 - Las Vegas, Nevada to Olancha, California via Death Valley. Only people who will be able to fulfil support team duties in extreme temperatures will be suitable for this section.
Duties on the team will be carried out against a backdrop of some of the most beautifully challenging and fascinating landscape in the USA. Not only is this a chance of a lifetime but it's a chance to play a key part in the success of a run that aims to raise at least £60,000 for St. Benedict's Hospice (Charity No. 1019410) in memory of my Mam and Dad.

Here are some highlights to give you an idea of what is involved with being part of the support team: 
  • The aim is to have 2 people on the support team at any one time. 
  • Daily duties include driving a motor home, cooking (mainly porridge and omelettes), motorhome admin (such as emptying waste, filling water and fuel) and that's pretty much the basic requirement.
  • All support team crew are unpaid volunteers like myself. We have retired police officers, a software developer, a retired banker, a B&B owner and a business owner among our ranks already. The ages range from 40 - 67 currently. 
  • Support team crew are responsible for getting to the point of the run when needed and meeting up with the motorhome. For some this is straight forward (for example one lady is leaving at Indianapolis very close to the airport. One man is taking a 2 hour bus journey to Pittsburgh to fly out of there. The not so straight forward examples are where one man flies into Las Vegas, hires a car, drives 200 miles to join the tour (due to poor transport links) and gives the hire car to the outgoing support team to return to Las Vegas and fly out of there. 
  • Overnight parking spots vary from RV parks (for which there is very limited budget) to Walmart parking lots to spaces at the side of the road. 
  • The first gap in the rota is through the American Mid West. There are many minor roads. We are expecting low volumes of traffic and the driving should be quite straightforward. 
  • Once the team are in the motorhome the only expenses you'll incur are your own food requirements. There is no charge for staying in the motorhome. That's obvious to me but not to everyone and is worth stating. 
  • A typical day starts at 0600 - 0630 for porridge. Once I set off running then the motorhome will drive to a meeting point ahead on the route. The number of stops will vary. The running day is usually split into two sections with lunch in the middle (and usually a sleep for me). The aim is to finish running, update the blog, edit and upload video and be asleep by 2200 ready to do it all over again. 
  • We don't allow the consumption of alcohol while on the tour. 
  • A detailed route plan is available now. I'm adding various data to it constantly such as suggested overnight stops, RV waste dump locations, supermarkets etc. 
  • The only age restriction is to be 21 to 72 for motorhome insurance purposes. 
  • The current team are committing between 2 and 4 weeks on the tour. 
  • We have a support team Whatsapp channel for questions and knowledge sharing. We will be holding an online support team meeting in June for the first time with plans for at least 2 more before the run starts to talk through plans, answer questions etc. 
  • There are opportunities to join me running if you so wish.

If you are fit and healthy, hold a driving license, have a positive attitude, have good problem solving skills and can commit at least 14/8 days to the tour in the Midwest/Death Valley respectively this could be for you. 

If you're interested in applying then please complete the form below. Even if you're not 100% sure about joining the team at this stage please apply anyway and we can have an informal discussion where there will be an opportunity to ask any questions that you may have. 

Wednesday 29 May 2024

3150 miles across the USA - May Progress Update

The 3150 mile coast to coast run across the USA from Coney Island, New York to Huntington Beach California is scheduled to take place starting on May 1st 2025 and finish 100 days later on August 8th 2025. Planning and preparation for the challenge has seen some excellent progress made so far this year. There is still a lot to organise and plan and also plenty of support to find if the £60,000 fundraising target is hit for St. Benedict's Hospice. 

The debt of gratitude that I feel towards the Hospice is as strong now as it was back in 1995 when my Mam spent her final weeks in their care. It should come as no surprise to any followers of Run Geordie Run that I'm as determined as ever to make the next big run a huge success. 

The 3150 mile route will arguably be the toughest run I've ever done. It is extreme in every way imaginable. 100 consecutive days of running ultra marathons will make for quite a spectacle. 

There is so much progress to report and it's hard to do it justice in a blog post on this site. That said, the following is a short summary of where I'm currently at with some of the most important aspects. 


At the time of writing, despite the run being quite some time away, £6215 has been donated direct to St. Benedict's Hospice via Justgiving. There is also a further £3000 in the pipeline for the Hospice. 

I have set a target of £60,000 for this run. With 337 days to go and 15% of that achieved already, it's safe to say that this is an encouraging start from a fundraising point of view. A huge thank you to everyone who has already made a donation via Justgiving

Prior to the main event in 2025, I have a few other fundraising irons in the fire such as a 40,000ft climb using at David Fairlamb Fitness at the end of June. Using one of my favourite and challenging machines, the VersaClimber, I will climb the equivalent of sea level up to the summit of Mount Everest. That's a distance of 29,029 ft (8848m). It doesn't stop there, however. Since it's St. Benedict's Hospice's 40th birthday, it seems "sensible" to push on and climb tp 40,000ft. I expect this to take between 10 and 13 hours.

In terms of other fundraising ideas, I'm hoping that a surplus of commercial funds can be found. They will be used to produce some Run Geordie Run USA 2025 t-shirts which will be made available to buy. Over £30,000 has been raised following Run Geordie Run t-shirt sales over the years. Newcastle United even warmed up in then once.


I was so grateful that long term supporter Chapman Ventilation offered to become my main sponsor. You can trace their kind support back to 2011. Without their help, the current overall charity total of £351,984.67 would not have been achievable.

Another long term sponsor, D-Line, were also kind enough to continue their backing. Again, without their help, the charity fund would not be what it currently is.

The search continues for the remaining kit sponsors to fill the slots on my USA 2025 running kit. As you can see below, there is still room on the prime positions. Please get in touch at if you're interested in having your logo on my USA 2025 running kit.


The task of recruiting the support team is going very well. There is now at least one person on the team on each of the 100 days that I'll be running. Of those, there are two people on the team for 56 days. For many reasons, it's important that there are at least two people on the team at any one time. 

Efforts will continue, over the coming months, to recruit the final support team members to fill the gap of 44 days. This is the part of the route from Wheeling, West Virginia to Walsenburg, Colorado. There is also a requirement for 4 days in Death Valley. There are two people on the team but one will remain outside of the national park in the motorhome. The other support person will be with me in Death Valley. Ideally, I need one other person for this very difficult section.

Contact has been made with a  Geordie exile in New York who I'm hoping can assist with picking up the motorhome and getting to the start line.
I was very grateful to receive the support of Hylo Athletics who are supply running shoes. I've now ran a few hundred miles in Hylo Impact shoes. The support and comfort they give will serve me well in the USA. With my "battle damaged" feet, that's exactly what is needed. You can read my full depth review on their Impact shoes here.


There has been a further increase in training load recently. Regular Sunday runs are now well established and I continue to work hard at David Fairlamb Fitness as well as at my own home gym. 

I'm build the weekly mileage steadily. The next big test will be a 105 mile run from my home in Bedlington to Edinburgh. That will be done during the first weekend in August.


The search is on to find a company who can print one of the most important fundraising tools that I have. Leaflets, such as the one that I designed for the USA 2025 run, have proved to be hugely important in the past. I meet a lot of people during my day to day life as well as the big event itself. Leaving them with a leaflet containing all of the relevant information really helps to get the message across and attract donations.  


I've spent a lot of time this month adjusting the route to the north east of Las Vegas. There are now a few days with 35+ miles to do in this area. As a result, the 3 days prior to reaching Death Valley see a reduced mileage of 27 miles. This is designed to ensure that I have a decent amount of recovery time before I go into the hardest section of the entire run. Although, running 81 miles in the 3 days before can hardly be termed as restful. 

I've spent further time checking the route. I've also been watching some really good YouTube content that just happen to drive large sections of my route. These have been shared with the support team. They should get a really good idea of the types of roads they will be driving on.


USA 2025 is all consuming for me. I'm doing everything that I possibly can to make the run a success for St. Benedict's Hospice. 

As ever, if you feel that you can help with any aspect then please do get in touch at  

Your kind donations to St. Benedict's Hospice (Charity No. 1019410) can always be made and gratefully received at

Monday 8 April 2024

3150 miles across the USA - April Progress Update

The 3150 mile coast to coast run across the USA from Coney Island, New York to Huntington Beach California is scheduled to take place starting on May 1st 2025 and finish 100 days later on August 8th 2025. Planning and preparation for the run is gaining more and more momentum as the weeks go by. Other than work, watching football and taking the dog for a walk, my days are stuffed to the brim with all things associated with the run. 

With the planning of this campaign, there is a familiar sense of anticipation and the organisation that accompanies it. I suppose that's only natural given that USA 2025 is the sixth major initiative I have undertaken. Despite the uniqueness of each of my running projects, I have a comforting familiarity when navigating the logistics, assembling the support team, planning the route, searching for sponsors and so on. In turn, this familiarity breeds confidence and gives me the reassurance that I'm doing things bigger and better than ever before. 

The run across the USA is hugely ambitious in itself. My plans to engage people and take them virtually "on the journey" must match that effort if I'm to maximise this opportunity for St. Benedict's Hospice. 

There is so much progress to report and it's hard to do it justice in a blog post on this site. That said, the following is a short summary of where I'm currently at with seven of the most important aspects. 


At the time of writing, despite the run being quite some time away, £6125 has been donated direct to St. Benedict's Hospice via Justgiving. There is also a further £3000 in the pipeline for the Hospice. 

I have set a target of £60,000 for this run. With 388 days to go and 15% of that achieved already, it's safe to say that this is an encouraging start from a fundraising point of view. A huge thank you to everyone who has already made a donation via Justgiving


I was so grateful that long term supporter Chapman Ventilation offered to become my main sponsor. You can trace their kind support back to 2011. Without their help, the current overall charity total of £351,894.67 would not have been achievable.

Another long term sponsor, D-Line, were also kind enough to continue their backing. Again, without their help, the charity fund would not be what it currently is.

The search is now on for the remaining kit sponsors to fill the slots on my USA 2025 running kit. The full sponsorship prospectus is available here.


The task of recruiting the support team has gone very well indeed. Of the 100 days that require cover, 65 days have at least one person on the team with 45 of those days having the desired two people on the team. For many reasons, it's important that there are at least two people on the team at any one time. 

To accommodate the team and I for 100 days, a modestly sized motorhome has been acquired on a rental basis. Chapman Ventilation were instrumental in making this possible.

There is the small matter of having a "team within a team" for the 4 day, 153 mile Death Valley section of the run. The rental agreement states that we can't take the motorhome into the national park. Given the scorching temperatures when I'll be running there (July 28th - 31st 2025) it wouldn't be wise to contemplate doing that. Instead, we'll have a more nimble vehicle at our disposal. The motorhome will provide a base camp in Shoshone in the east of the park and subsequently in Olancha in the west. 

There have been some excellent conversations with the Death Valley team around the exact logistics of support. I anticipate that these will continue for the next few weeks before we have a firm plan A, B and C.

Efforts will continue to recruit the final support team members over the coming months.

The biggest kit related expense is for specialist running shoes. With 10 pairs of shoes required for the USA 2025 campaign, I was very grateful to receive the support of Hylo Athletics. They are a brand new British company whose shoes offer a huge amount of support and comfort. With my "battle damaged" feet, that's exactly what is needed. You can read my full depth review on their Impact shoes here.


I agreed a period of "unpaid special leave" recently with my current employer to enable me to run across the USA. In the past, I've essentially quit my job to do these major runs in the hope that I'd find work when I returned. It gives me a huge peace of mind to have a job to return to.


There has been an increase in training load recently. Whether that's at the gym twice a week with David Fairlamb or running around the local roads. I estimate that I'm probably 15% of where I need to be in order to start the run across the USA.

Getting the balance of training and organisation of the run right has always been a challenge. The USA 2025 campaign promises to be no different. It's safe to say that the next few months are of huge importance. I anticipate this year's summer holiday will be spent running. I've started looking for cheap, uncomfortably warm destinations to accommodate this. 


Once the all important final sponsors have been found then they can be added to the tri-fold leaflet that I recently completed the design of. This contains all of the relevant information about the run across the USA including my background, reasons for running, how to donate and a detailed map of the route.

This type of leaflet has served me very well in the past. Particularly, when I don't have a huge amount of time to explain to someone what I'm doing in great detail. I'm currently searching for a kind printing company who can produce a few for me. 


As you can no doubt tell, these is plenty of work going on to make the run across the USA a huge success.I'll talk more about progress in a similar post next month. No doubt, social media, online content, merchandising, the USA 2025 companion guide to name but a few things, will get a mention. Hopefully, finding the remaining commercial sponsors and support team will have made good progress too.

As ever, if you feel that you can help with any aspect then please do get in touch at  

Your kind donations to St. Benedict's Hospice (Charity No. 1019410) can always be made and gratefully received at

Wednesday 20 March 2024

Hello Hylo Athletics

The run across the USA is a little over 407 days away from starting. There is so much going on behind the scenes to make the run a huge success for St. Benedict's Hospice. The latest bit of progress to report is concerned with the running shoes I'll be wearing for 3150 miles from Coney Island to Huntington Beach. 

I'm no running shoe afficianado so what you will read below is just my lay person's take based on running over 10,000 miles around the world so far (plus all of the training miles on top of that). What I do have is a very good idea of what works best for me when tackling big miles, in extreme hot, cold and wet conditions on a multitude of various challenging surfaces. 

I also must take into account the irreversible damage that my feet took during the run across Australia. The condition of my feet have definitely improved since that 2384 mile epic back in 2013. I've been told, however, that I will never see the return of the lost fatty padding on the sole of both feet. One of the conservative treatment options for "fat pad atrophy" is to wear proper footwear with adequate cushioning and support. I'm sure you can appreciate that I can't just wear any old shoe on a daily basis never mind to run across an entire continent. I have zero regrets about the state of my feet. The generosity that each step has been able to attract for St. Benedict's Hospice and other local charitable causes is worth it tens time over.

Without further ado, I'm very pleased and proud to announce that I'll be running the 3150 miles across the USA in 2025 wearing Hylo Athletics Impact running shoes. After a very successful test run last weekend, I had no hesitation in taking them up on their very kind offer of support. A huge heartfelt thank you goes to them for responding to my story and the plans I have for next year's run with such kindness. 

Hylo Athletics are a relatively young British company and only launched their running shoes earlier this month. If this is their initial version of a running shoe then the future is very bright for them in my opinion. They came recommended by my friends at specialist running shop Northern Runner in Newcastle. I should mention that Charlie, at the shop, has been responsible for recommending some game changing kit over the years. 

I was sent a black and white pair of Impact to try. That is just one of four different colour ways available incidentally. They felt extremely comfortable straight out of the box and the size eleven felt very true to size. As you should know by now, that word "comfort" is always something that I look for in a running shoe. If I'm going to be running for 100 consecutive days then I need them to pass what I like to call my "slipper test". In other words, at the very least, they should feel like a comfortable pair of slippers that you'd put on after a hard day's work. 

The next and most important step was to run a few miles in them. My initial observation was around the support they gave. Again, forgive the layperson's terminology. Every step felt like the impact was being absorbed by the shoes' very generous amount of cushioning. The shoes felt like they were breaking the fall of each step that I took. That sounds ludicrous as I write it but those are really the only words I can use to describe the protection that I felt my feet were being given. I must say that they didn't feel over spongy though. The balance in that cushioning felt just right leaving me with a feel of control as I ran.

With over five million steps to be taken during the run across the USA year, a decent amount of support underfoot is going to be hugely important. I've worn some excellent shoes in the past but these felt different in terms of cushioning and support. When I looked up the amount of cushioning, it was no surprise to find that the Hylo Athletics Impact had considerably more than I'd had before. Over 3 cm to be precise. Oh and only 2g heavier than mat previous shoes.

Hylo Athletic's description of the technology that underpins that comfort and support goes as follows:  "HYPERBOLT™ Hyperintelligent foam Class-leading innovation and performance - gas-injected, super critical foam, bio-based midsole. Reduces density, reduces weight and increases rebound.".

It would be remiss of me not to mention the core value of Hylo Athletics; Sustainability. 

As they say on their website and social media "We are a community of runners. On a mission to protect the thing we love most. And the planet we do it on. And we RUN LIKE THE WORLD DEPENDS ON IT, always.".

There is a clever bit of technology built into the shoe which they call "Hyloop". "NFC-activated technology tracks the footprint of every stitch. Once you hang up your hylos, send them back. We’ll grind them into something new.". This is an attempt to reduce the awful statistic that says 90% of old running shoes end up in landfill.

I was intrigued when I saw the design of the sole of the Hylo Impact. I read on the Northern Runner website that is "inspired by Formula One technology. Its specially designed outsole is made to efficiently displace water and boost traction, offering unwavering stability, even on wet surfaces.".

The Northern Runner review continued "Echoing the qualities of the acclaimed Hoka Bondi, the Hylo Impact differentiates itself with exceptional responsiveness and even cushioning. It provides the necessary comfort and support for everyday running, making it an ideal pick for both leisurely runners and competitive athletes. 

The defining characteristic of the Hylo Impact is its dedication to sustainability. Utilizing biobased materials such as castor bean and Tencel™ Lyocell, this shoe presents a green alternative without sacrificing on performance. 

The Hylo Impact encourages recycling via Hyloop by a simple scan of the tongue, reinforcing its commitment to the circular economy. With a carbon footprint substantially below that of traditional running shoes, the Hylo Impact embodies forward-thinking environmental design. It features a 33mm heel stack, 25mm forefoot, and an 8mm drop for a stride that is both comfortable and effective. Its DWR (Durable Water Repellent) coating further ensures your feet stay dry, enhancing the shoe's adaptability to various conditions. At a mere 280g, the Hylo Impact combines lightness with durability, ready to take on the daily demands of training while promoting a reduced environmental footprint. 

Choose the Hylo Impact running shoe for a perfect mix of advanced technology, peak performance, and eco-consciousness, and contribute to a greener planet with every step."

Once again, a huge thank you goes to Hylo Athletics for their amazing support with the supply of such a brilliantly innovative product. 

Whether it's the Appalachians, the Great Plains, the Rocky Mountains or Death Valley and the Mojave Desert, my Hylos and me are going to be together on a quite remarkable adventure next year. They'll then get returned, recycled and made into shoes for somebody else's adventure. There's a very poetic quality to that.