Jacko, one of the lads at work, today tried to raise enough sponsorship to get me to run the Blaydon Race dressed in Borat's bikini. I managed to get hold of one and it will arrive tomorrow morning by Special Delivery. The fund for this little stunt stood at £100 at the end of the working day, some £200 short of what it would take to get me to wear such an embarrassing costume. I'm now regretting all of those King Prawn Madras curries consumed over the last few months! The main concern with such a skimpy item is "popping out" while running somewhere like the Scotswood Bridge. Nightmare!
I'll leave it right up until the last moment possible to decide whether to run the Blaydon Race tomorrow. Hopefully (!) Jacko will have raised the required amount by then! At least if I don't wear the costume then Katy is in for a treat! I've just got to keep reminding myself "It's all for a good cause".