Sunday, 27 June 2010

A bit of a Twitter challenge going on

I was recently contacted by a company called Digital Spark Ltd who were looking to support local causes. The two charities I raise funds for and the challenge I'm undertaking to run 3100 miles across the USA really captured their imagination.

They fully intend to get behind my run across the USA in 2011, but in the meantime have thrown down somewhat of an on-line challenge.

Two weeks ago they said that they would donate £100 if I could manage to reach 1000 followers on Twitter before the end of June.

I'm pleased to report that, with a lot of help of my existing Twitter followers, I managed to reach 1000 followers on Twitter and £100 is on the way to St Benedict's Hospice and The Children's Foundation.

The good news didn't stop there, however, as Digital Spark immediately threw the gauntlet down and challenged me to reach 2000 followers before the end of July. They upped the ante this time and if successful, £200 will be on the way to the 2 charities. What price 3000 followers or more I wonder?

Many thanks to Digital Spark Ltd for their support who had the following to say -"We are a passionate and talented team who love to work with like minded clients. Our team of specialists can work with you to deliver transformational change for your business in the online world. Whether that be out on the internet or within your organisation, we have the expertise and history to help you achieve your goals and give you the competitive advantage.".

If you would like to follow me on Twitter and help unlock the charity cash then please click here.