The crucial thing, however, is deciding what kind of fluid to put in the back pack. I had intended to experiment with different things over the coming weeks but I think I've found exactly what I need - SIS Go Electrolyte (pictured). I drank about half a litre of the stuff during tonight's run and it had an amazing effect I can tell you. Every one of the 11 miles I ran felt like I was just running the first mile. My previous best at this run, last summer, was 1 hour 53 minutes. This time, however, my watch read 1 hour 42 minutes as I reached the finish point. I think, given the speed I ran the last 2 miles, I would have been on for a sub 2 hour half marathon time.
It's been a while since I've ran this route. Despite being chased by a few dogs and nearly being knocked over by a horse it was very enjoyable. And while I'm on the subject, I've got a new rule. I'm now going to stop and walk very slowly when horses are passing in the other direction! The highway code mentions "Look out for horse riders' signals and heed a request to slow down or stop. Treat all horses as a potential hazard and take great care.". Well there were no requests to slow down or stop or indeed any signals at all. From now on, though, I will be treating all horses as a potential hazard and taking great care. Dogs, however, need a different strategy. I think the best plan with those pesky mutts is just to get your head down and run as fast as you can past them.