Now that I'm 4 days out of the comfort zone that was pre-training there is now a developing feeling that everything single thing that I do could have a knock on effect to the big run in 2011. I've made a decent start to training this week with the usual mixture of Body Pump, Spinning, running, Gym, Tennis and cycling to work.
I'll be looking to get about 12 hours of workouts in before this week is out. The trick will be to do this again next week and the week after and so on! My aim is to be doing double that by next Summer with 110 miles of running per week. No wonder I'm able to steer clear of beer, curry and bacon sarnies! There is a real fear factor now and it wasn't here last week! As I said, I feel that everything I do, could have a knock on effect!
Speaking of fear! I'll be cycling to work in the morning down the Derwent Walk Path at about 05:45 (Hopefully!). I've ran it many times. Even once or twice with no light whatsoever. Thankfully, I've got some new lights for my bike so the Blair Witch had better watch out!
To round off the first week of training, I'll be attending my first Beach Bootcamp on Saturday at Tynemouth. As I've mentioned before this is run by David Fairlamb (Fitness) and he's offered to do an hour of running up and down the steps on Tynemouth Beach afterwards! Yes! Afterwards! Expect a full report on Saturday afternoon!