I had 2 pins inserted in my ankle during an operation yesterday. The operation went well and I'm close to returning home to begin my rehabilitation.
I was initially very scared about having the operation. If I didn't have the run across the USA to complete next year I would not have taken the decision to have the operation. Being the wimp that I am, it was a big step to take. Very big!
I've got to say that the staff here at Newcastle General have been great. I feel like I'm having a bit of a holiday actually.
I've been in constant contact with David Fairlamb who has spent 9 months of his life in plaster at various times. My trainer, Mark Fleming, has also been in touch as well as the other Men Of Steel. Mrs Run Geordie Run (my wife Katy) and Run Geordie Run junior (my son Jack) have been a tremendous pillar of strength. Add to all that the messages by text, Twitter and Facebook and it's easy to see what an amazing support network I have. I'm so lucky! There are so many people in this hospital far worse off than I am. This helps get things into perspective.
I'm following the advice of David Fairlamb and Mark Beaumont who say that I must keep my focus. That focus is set firmly on running across the USA in 2011 as planned. The charity fund for St. Benedict's Hospice and The Children's Foundation currently stands at £10,523.20. The potential to raise at least 5 times that amount for 2 fantastic charities is very much there.
Together; me putting one foot in front of the other and you, the generous public, friends and colleagues, we can make a real difference to the lives of children and adults alike in our region. I've seen for myself the good work that the 2 charities do. That's how I know what a difference charitable donations from the genetal public makes.
If you would like to make a donation to either charity then the links are here:
www.justgiving.com/rungeordierun1 for St. Benedict's Hospice (charity no. 1019410)
www.justgiving.com/rungeordierun2 for The Children's Foundation (charity no. 1000013)
It would be great if you could also join the growing army of followers on Twitter. My ID is @rungeordierun.
Thanks for the support everyone. X