In preparation for two 11 mile runs at the weekend, I decided to warm up with a nice and easy 5 mile run to Newcastle Race Course and back. Conditions were on the chilly side and I was joined by Ian (aka "The Coach") who had regrettably, for him, decided to wear a very thin vest. Oh how I laughed! Ian was nursing a couple of niggling injuries so he wasn't his usual speedy self. We still managed to run at a fair pace and I was more than pleased with the final time of 00:44:41, smashing my previous best of 00:46:13. This means diddly squat in the context of running from John
O'Groats to Lands End. It is, however, pleasing when you use it to show how much progress has been made in the last few years. I never managed to break 50 minutes for this run in 2006. My average, this year, has been around 48 minutes. If I keep this level of training up I hope to run even quicker in the future. And, of course, even further!