Only time (and the appropriate "massage" from Katy!) will tell, what this means to the rest of my running schedule this week. I'm due to go to the gym tomorrow, run 11 on Friday and run 12 or so on Saturday. I should be ok for the gym and may have to miss Friday's run. It is crucial , however, that I do the run on Saturday, a tricky run through the hills of the North Pennines.
In my 15 years of running I've hardly had an injury. I've certainly never had a serious injury. When I have picked up a knock, I'm glad to say that I've always proved to be a quick healer. I'm sure it will be the case with this latest one. Fingers crossed! With only 12 weeks left until the big run I'm going to have to be very careful and try to steer clear of any further injuries. I'm going to have to take longer warming up and then down again at the end of a run. Which is difficult, when you sometimes take 2 hours or more for a lunch break. It'll be interesting to see how I get on in tomorrow's gym session. Check back for the latest news tomorrow evening! Now...about that massage.