Young Steven Moore (left) was seen hobbling and limping around work today. With a boozing holiday abroad to look forward to next week, it seems that he won't be able to put on much of a show on the dance floor.

Steven will see a physio and have an MRI scan as soon as possible to fully assess the damage and plan his rehabilitation.
Steven commented earlier today "I should be in a lot more pain than I am given last night's diagnosis". I think the fact that he was injured "in the line of duty" and "for a good cause" is making his immediate lack of mobility easier for him to accept.
Steven commented earlier today "I should be in a lot more pain than I am given last night's diagnosis". I think the fact that he was injured "in the line of duty" and "for a good cause" is making his immediate lack of mobility easier for him to accept.
Just like fellow charity hero Michael Dunn (right) last year, there'll be a long road to recovery but I suspect we haven't seen the last of Steven on the fundraising circuit. As regular readers know, Michael sustained a similar injury 12 months ago on the same route. Knee surgery was performed only 6 weeks ago and against all odds he was able to join the 2008 Pennine Challenge team and do his bit for the cause.
Once all funds have been collected, I'll be hoping to arrange a cheque presentation to the Children's Foundation. I can think of no better personnel to do the honours than young Steven representing the runners and Michael representing the cyclists.