Sunday, 18 July 2010

Fund Milestone!

Another month and another fundraising milestone. This time, it gives me great pleasure to report that the fund for St Benedict's Hospice and The Children's Foundation has burst through the £12,000 barrier and currently sits at £12,140. For my US followers that's 18,560USD. It's a very impressive figure in Japanese Yen with a grand total of 1,606,397JPY.

Whichever way you look at it, thanks to the generosity of so many kind folk, I have reached almost 1/4 of the fundraising target. That remarkable generosity is something I never take for granted, by the way. And I really mean that.

There are so many people doing so many wonderful things for charity. I'm very humbled by the fact that people are choosing to contribute to the 2 charities I'm raising funds for.

I noticed this week that have setup a page where you can see all money raised via them to date. The overall total is £53,225.41. Prior to using I raised £14,765 for other events since 1994. That gives a grand total raised to date of £67,990.41.

When I set out to repay the debt of gratitude to St Benedict's Hospice in 1995, I didn't even imagine that it would reach anything like that figure. Not bad, for putting one foot in front of the other a few million times!

For the record, here is my justgiving page