At the time of writing the total amount raised around the world stands at £269,906.90. It has been raised for local charities as follows:
St Benedict's Hospice - £100,031.91
The Children's Foundation - £120,713.57
The Sir Bobby Robson Foundation - £48,911.42
NECCR - £250.00
TOTAL - £269,906.90
Fundraising in respect of segment 5 of the Run Around the World will now pause until I gain approval from the respective charities. I had hoped to ask for this during Spring 2017 but it's going to take all of this year to complete the aforementioned research and planning. Donna and I are nowhere near happy enough that we have a safe event to undertake next year. Therefore I'll seek charity approval early in 2018. The reality is that I need "wife approval" first!
In the meantime, I'm heavily involved in two projects which I hope will raise £20,000 for The Children's Foundation this year. The first is Running Blind and the second is Team Run Geordie Run. I'll talk more about those on my blog soon.
I've recently been speaking to a new charity and will fundraise for them during the rest of 2017 on the back of a series of personal challenges relating to training with the Around The World Buggy. I hope to bring you news of that charity in the next few days. My aim is to raise between £5,000 and £10,000 this year for them.
So despite "pausing" my Around The World fundraising, I hope the amount raised for local good causes in 2017 will be close to £30,000. It would be brilliant to get the total amount raised to a figure over £300,000 but that's going to require a lot of hard work, luck and generosity. Watch this space.