Well I did it! I managed to get that elusive 5 mile run in before the school run on the 3rd Tough Tuesday. Somehow, I was up and away at 06:10 for a run in the dark. I must admit that it's quite spooky in the dark country lanes at that time of the morning! Perhaps I shouldn't have watched Dog Soldiers last week!
I followed that run up with my second quickest 5 mile run of the year (00:45:05) at lunchtime. Carl, Carlton and Julie set a decent pace and I was able to keep up with them for most of the way. Although Julie nearly came a cropper when she didn't see an oncoming lamppost and just missed it with millimeters to spare! I would probably have beaten 45 minutes if it wasn't for the time wasted laughing at the incident!
To complete Tough Tuesday, I managed a Spinning Class and Body Pump after work. I felt I had another session in me afterwards too but that feeling lasted all of 5 minutes!
The most pleasing and important thing about Tuesday was the fact that I got my lazy backside out of bed and managed to get 5 miles in. This has certainly given me the confidence to do it again in the future.