Within minutes of the justgiving.com/ thepenninechallenge page being created on Thursday, the pledges started coming in once again.
Paul Edwards got the ball rolling for 2008 and there were several other generous pledges including £50 from www.beowulfconsulting.co.uk.
All of these guys supported me last year via nufc.com and I'm really grateful that they've dug deep once more. Thanks to everybody so far for your pledges.
There are also a steady flow of names on the rest of the team's sponsor forms with Carlton Fletcher doing especially well so far.
With so many people doing so many amazing things for so many good causes it is nice to see that our team's fund has made a good start. The Children's Foundation is a very worthwhile charity and I hope the Pennine Challenge Team can get a decent 4 figure sum to reflect the hard work that will be put into this year's Pennine Challenge.